Get Comprehensive Quality
Issues related to function, performance, and visual/design/accessibility are all equally mobile-crucial. Testing teams should have access to solutions that will empower them to ensure that quality exists at the core of their development, testing, and delivery processes, and then ultimately at the core of the product that they ship.
This eGuide bundle will offer an introduction to each type of testing including overviews of popular testing tools.
Download your eGuide bundle
This eGuide offers a deep dive into this foundational testing method that catches the most defects and ensures that your mobile app is running correctly so that you’re able to bring your customers the best experience possible.
This eGuide provides a deep dive into the different kinds of testing and measurement tactics, looking at what they are and why they are important.
This eGuide reviews the different methods of visual testing in mobile, and the importance of achieving a perfect visual output, consistent across all devices and form factors, to drive adoption of your mobile application.