
Changing The Future of Testing

April 26, 2019 | 1:00 PM Eastern


Visit Kobiton today to learn more about Mobile Testing software and solutions. Kobiton builds mobile test automation solutions that empower developers to create awesome products without sacrificing what’s important – time, money, and resources. Website: https://kobiton.com/


As the technology landscape rapidly shifts in order to support a society that is always on the go, mobile first and mobile only design approaches are becoming increasingly correlated with breakout success.


Today a company's revenue and reputation are at risk if it's unable to produce a quality app that not only achieves user adoption, but also provides a customer experience worthy of 5-star app reviews.


A quick glance at a few of the names listed in the Top 100 of either app store hints that in order to achieve massive downloads and retention, equally massive resources are required.


What do your app store reviews say about your resources?


Don't make the mistake of thinking you need an army to defeat a giant, as history has proven all it really takes is a little agility and the right tools. The future will be no different.


Kobiton is the comprehensive toolset that will get you over the obstacle and onwards toward victory.

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